Once there was a folk music group call the Weavers. When I was growing up, their album “The Weavers at Carnegie Hall” was one of my favorites (this was before John, Paul, George and Ringo conquered the world). Ronnie Gilbert, the sole female in the group had a lucious alto. She sang a song titled’ “I know where I’m going.’ The song was about a young girl who was going to marry her true love–a guy by the name of Johnny.

Now you might think that this song inspired my love of romance. Perhaps it did. I’m not certain. What I am certain of is that Ronnie Gilbert’s song taught me about goal setting and how to keep making progress until you got where you metaphorically wanted to go.

It is becauseof Ronnie and her song that I’ve done and seen the many, many, many things that have made up my life. It is the because of  an annoymous woman’s determined pursuit of her goal–Johnny–that I doggedly pursue a writing career when the deck is clearly stacked against me (No writer has it easy so don’t get the idea that I’m different from any of my colleagues.

Pursuing and achieving a goal isn’t about not complaining–although complaining never seemed to have much purpose for me. Getting to the goal is all about hard work and persistence. So, in my RAmbling, roundabout way, I’ve come to the point. Do you know where you’re going?  Click the link abover. Listen to Ronnie Gilbert sing about a woman who knows what she wants and intends to get it. Then write a comment and share your goal setting, achieving, and/or failing experience.

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Rue Allyn, Author
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